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Voluntary Year in Monument Preservation and Care (Freiwilliges Jahr in der Denkmalpflege- FJD) àspecific working field: restoration and preservation of historic parks and gardens

The Voluntary Year in the field of restoration and preservation of historic parks and gardens has been initiated by the German Foundation for Monument Protection (Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz) and significantly co-founded by the German Foundation for Environment. It is carried out since September 2009 by International Youth Community Services (Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste –ijgd) and their cooperation partner the Brandenburgische Schlösser GmbH.

For the first time, a one year long a particular voluntary service programme offers the chance to work at the interface of the preservation of cultural heritage, conservation and environmental protection.

Between 8 to 10 German as well as international volunteers can become active with support by professional instructions within the landscape garden „Altdöbern“ every year. All volunteers life together in a shared house in Altdöbern.

The pedagogical care of the volunteers in Altdöbern takes place in close collaboration with „Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste ijgd), LV Brandenburg e.V.“. Ijgd is an established organization of volunteer services at home and broad with experiences in managing voluntary projects and taking pedagogical care of domestic and foreign volunteers.

Activities of the volunteers:

  • Locate historic parks paths and their restoration, maintenance
  • Reconstruction of historic water systems and water features
  • Reconstruction of park architectures, reconstruction of sight lines
  • Brickwork, paving, natural stone work, woodwork
  • Gardening and park care tasks
  • Handling of a power saw, string trimmer,…

Who can participate?

Everyone from the age of 18 to 30 can take part. Special education is not required. A sole condition of project participation is a commitment to physical activities in nature for the whole year. Foreign volunteers can either do an European Voluntary Service or a German Voluntary Service ”Bundesfreiwilligendienst” with us.

General conditions:

The Voluntary Service starts on 1st September and lasts one year, till 31st August next year. It is a full-time occupation, every participant is entitled to 26 days of holidays.

Participants receive:

  • monthly pocket money and maintenance costs
  • extra fund for apartment
  • free participation in 6 seminars
  • full social and medical insurance

Our Partners & Sponsors:    

  • German Foundation for Monument Protection (Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz)
  • Ministry for Infrastructure and country planning of Brandenburg (Ministerium für Infrastruktur und Landesplanung des Landes Brandenburg)


Internationale Jugendbauhütte Gartendenkmalpflege - ijgd LV Brandenburg e.V.

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